Soon after I built the production prototype or test model for the P2, my artist friend David Hume took a series of luscious hero shots with his Fuji X100. Even though some of the details have changed between the prototype and the remainder of the batch, the pictures are just too good to hide away. So here they are for you to enjoy….

Cock O’ The North prototype LH side view

Cock O’ The North upper LH side view

Cock O’ The North prototype front LH 3/4 view

Cock O’ The North closeup LH front

Cock O’ The North front RH 3/4 view

Cock O’ The North front upper RH 3/4 view

Cock O’ The North prototype RH side view

Cock O’ The North upper LH 3/4 view

Cock O’ The North prototype rear view

Cock O’ The North cab closeup

Cock O’ The North Prototype close up RH 3/4 view
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